iCON Planners manages for the academic and scientific community. With us you will receive dedicated scientific programme management that's based on experience yet completely up to date, with the latest online technology providing full abstract administration, rating, review submission, etc.
Here authors, researchers can easily submit their abstracts online from across the world using our online abstract submission systems. Peer review of abstracts can also be done efficiently and quickly online, by theme and with blind scoring if required. At the end of the review process, we will contact all corresponding authors on your behalf, to let them know if their abstract has been accepted or rejected and liaise with them on programming and audiovisual requirements
We will manage poster sessions for you, organising the displays throughout the event in electronic or traditional board formats. Display boards in standard format of pin boards or electronic media via LCD screens.
Abstracts can be presented as a Book of Abstracts, a Journal supplement, a USB memory stick, on the conference website or on CD ROM. We will ensure any finished material is consistent with the graphic design of the conference as a whole and we can also work with publishers to publish proceedings.
As part of our scientific programme management we will liaise with the scientific programme committee, authors and speakers to arrive at the ideal programme, making best use of your contracted space at the venue and ensuring that all audio-visual requirements will be met.
Adequate acoustics with best in class conference management AV equipment including voter pads, response systems etc may be included in the AV systems.